OPI Peanuts Halloween Collection Swatches, Review

Fall is definitely upon us!  What better way to herald the coming of cooler weather than to celebrate bright shades against rich, dark colors.  The contrast of bright and dark hues is the theme of the OPI Peanuts Halloween collection.  Below are my swatches and thoughts on this collection.

OPI Peanuts

OPI Good Grief!

OPI Good Grief is a bright, sunshine yellow creme.  It's probably one of my favorite yellows from OPI, aside from I Just Can't Cope-Acabana from the OPI Brazil collection.  I like how happy it actually looks.  I used to be not a fan of yellows, but I've grown to love this color on my nails.

OPI Where's My Blanket??? (index and middle), OPI To Be Or Not to Beagle (ring and pinkie) over OPI Good Grief!

OPI Where's My Blanket??? is a black hex and micro-glitter with light yellow green and peach glitter thrown in.  I like the unusual mix of the green and peach with the black. 

OPI To Be Or Not to Beagle is a brighter version of OPI Where's My Blanket; it's a black glitter with bright green, blue, red hex glitter mixed in.  I also like the plentiful black bar glitter thrown in.  I super love the contrast between the dark black glitter and the bright-colored hex glitter.  I don't have a similar glitter topper in my collection, so this is a definite keeper.

OPI Who Are You Calling Bossy?

Who Are You Calling Bossy? is a smooth black creme.  I like how shiny it looks on the nails.  It has sort of a jelly-like finish.

All in all, I like some of the colors from this collection, particularly Good Grief! and the glitter topper, OPI To Be Or Not to Beagle.  

OPI Peanuts Halloween launches September 2014 at salons nationwide. OPI nail polish retails for $9.50 each (.5oz). The OPI Peanuts mini set sells for $13.95.

(Media sample was provided by PR for consideration.  All opinions are mine.)

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