MAC Fashion Sets Eye Shadow and Lipglasses Swatches, Review: Ablaze, Silly, Embrace Me, Heroine

MAC Fashion Sets

(Media sample)

This is part 2 of this blog's MAC Fashion Sets review. In the first MAC Fashion Sets review, I reviewed the MAC Fashion Sets lipsticks and lip pencils. This time, it's all about the lipglasses and eye shadows.

As I've mentioned in the review, this is a collection of coordinating hues for lips, eyes and nails. I've talked about the first MAC Fashion Sets 2012 Collection. At that time, there were only coordinating hues for nails and lips (lipstick and lipglass).  This time, they added eye shadows to the mix.

Let's start with the lipglasses.

MAC Lipglasses in Ablaze, Silly, Heroine

MAC Ablaze lipglass

MAC Silly lipglass

MAC Heroine lipglass

Lipglass Swatches:

MAC lipglass in Ablaze, Silly

MAC lipglass in Ablaze, Silly
MAC lipglass in Ablaze, Silly

MAC Heroine lipglass
MAC lipglass in Ablaze, Silly

MAC Silly lipglass

MAC Silly lipglass
MAC Heroine lipglass
MAC Heroine lipglass
MAC Heroine lipglass
MAC Ablaze lipglass
MAC Ablaze lipglass
MAC Ablaze lipglass

The lipglasses have the same shades as their lipstick counterparts, which is of course the main point of this collection.  However, for some reason, Heroine lipglass looked pink on my lips instead of purple.  It may be because I have pigmented lips.

Silly is soft pink instead of a bright pink on my lips.  It's pretty on its own or layered over a lipstick.

Ablaze is a bright orange cream lipglass.  I love how pigmented this is.

All in all, I like the lipsticks a tad better the lipglasses, although the latter are pretty layered over the lipsticks for a luscious lip look.

Let's go on to the eye shadows!

Silly, Heroine
Embrace Me, Ablaze

MAC Heroine eye shadow
MAC Silly eye shadow
MAC Embrace Me eye shadow
MAC Ablaze eye shadow
Swatches: MAC eye shadows in Ablaze, Silly, Embrace Me, Heroine

The eye shadows are also bright and quite summery.  Heroine the eye shadow is a bright cobalt blue instead of a purple.  It has a matte finish.  Ablaze is a matte mid-tone coral, Silly is a matte clean blue-pink, and Embrace Me is like a watermelon pink in the satin formula.

The formula is okay - they don't glide as easily as I'd want them to be - but it's probably because they're mostly matte/satin.  They are not chalky to me, with the exception of Silly which is slightly chalky.

They glide well over a good, tacky base.  It's important to apply a tacky base to make these adhere to the lids and make the colors pop even more.  Applying them over a stark white base like maybe NYX jumbo pencil in milk will really bring forth the colors.

All in all, I am liking the lipsticks best in this collection, followed by the lip pencils and lip glasses.  I love bright lips during summer, so these lip products are right up my alley.

(Media sample was provided for consideration.  All opinions are completely mine.)

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