POP Beauty Nail Glam Nail Polish Swatches, Review

 POP Beauty Nail Glam in 27 Ablaze (sunlight)

 POP Beauty Nail Glam in 27 Ablaze (shade)

  POP Beauty Nail Glam in Pacific Hoot (sunlight)

 POP Beauty Nail Glam in Pacific Hoot (shade)

I was able to try another brand of nail polish, and because I'm such a nail polish junkie, I was pretty excited to try POP Beauty Nail Glam.  I've tried POP Beauty's makeup before, but this was my first time to try their nail polish line.

I tried two shades, Ablaze, a blindingly neon electric peach with this really cool silver sheen to it, and Pacific Hoot, a bright blue that is borderline neon.  They have a rubber finish just like Illamasqua's rubber polishes.  You can opt not to apply a topcoat to preserve this rubber finish, or you can go ahead and add a topcoat for an all-out shine.

What I like about these polishes is that even though they are neon (especially Ablaze), they are easy to apply and don't streak.  They look nice with the rubber finish, and if there are any minor streaking, it is easily remedied by applying a thin coat of polish over it.

I love the rectangular bottles just like American Apparel's.  They are so much easier to place in my Helmer drawers and don't take up too much space.

These POP Beauty Nail Glam nail polishes retail for $10 each and are available at Beauty.com and Dermstore.com.

Note: Media sample was provided by a representative of the brand for consideration.  All opinions are completely mine.

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