MAC Mineralize Charged Water Moisture Eye Cream Review

MAC Mineralize Charged Water skincare line

I was able to try out the MAC Mineralize Charged Water Moisture Eye Cream which is part of MAC's Mineralize Charged Water skincare line. This product is infused with MAC’s Charged Water technology. MAC claims that it sufficiently moisturizes the eye area, helps in reducing the appearance of dark circles, lines and puffy bags.

I was surprised at first that this is not really a cream that I expected in most MAC skincare products. This is more like a gel to me, not uber creamy but not watery either. It has good moisturizing properties, though, and it did make the area under and around the eyes soft and supple. I can't vouch for the claims that it reduces the appearance of dark circles and lines, but it does provide a little de-puffing action, and it made the undereye area a tad brighter.

All in all, I am liking this product. It may not be a miracle product that erases fine lines and wrinkles, but it does make the undereye area look more rested, supple, moisturized. I apply this both in the morning and night and it's a good partner to the MAC Mineralize Charged Water Moisture Gel (review coming right up!).

SRP: $35 U.S.

The Shades Of U Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars

NOTE: Media sample was provided by a representative of the company for consideration. All opinions are completely mine.

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