I've had this brush set for a couple of months now, but I only used them for the first time last night. I was at Target when I saw this set, and I was so drawn to the beautiful bamboo handles. Bamboo is a highly sustainable plant and using these in makeup brushes is more earth-friendly than let's say plastic handles in makeup brushes. They look chic and beautiful as well. These eyeshadow brushes with bamboo handles look at home anywhere, from inside an upscale spa or in a hut at the beach.
This set is called the Straight From Nature 3-Piece Brush Set. It is a stylish trio of bamboo-handled large eye shadow, crease and definition brushes. The large eyeshadow is great for creating a wash of color on the lids, and would cut application time in half because of its large head. This would also be a great brush for applying highlighter to the browbone.
The crease brush is a favorite. I like it because it is very firm for a crease brush. It also has a fat, dense head so it deposits color easily in the crease and outer V without creating patchy lines. Honestly, the Sonia Kashuk crease brush is the only brush I use to apply crease/outer lid color. If you follow my eye shadow tutorials, you would have noticed that by now. I think it is similar in firmness and density to the MAC 217 brush, except that the 217 is kinda flat while the Sonia Kashuk crease brush is round.
If you can't find the bamboo-handled crease brush of Sonia Kashuk at Target, you can always opt to use the SK regular white-handled crease brushes. They are cheaper too at I believe $6 a pop. I have several of these white-handled crease brushes so that I can use clean ones when the others have been used. To clarify, there are different kinds of Sonia Kashuk crease brushes. The old ones were pointier and slimmer, which for me didn't quite do the trick when it comes to applying crease color, but they are good blending brushes. The Deluxe (special edition) ones with curvy, black handles have flimsier and pointier heads that are also good for blending but not application of outer lid color. If you want a good crease brush, get the new white handled ones (or those with the bamboo handles). To illustrate, here are some pictures of my SK brushes (first three from the left):
Get the second from the left if you want a good outer lid/crease brush.
Lastly, the third brush from the 3-piece bamboo set is the definition brush. This is similar to the MAC 219 pencil brush. It is a bit softer though, but this is great to smudge eyeliner for a smokey look, to get a defined crease, or to apply color to the lower lashline or highlight color on the inner corners (tearducts).
All in all, Sonia Kashuk eyeshadow brushes are pure gems and I would buy more if only I don't have too much of these. They are very durable, wash well and are quite affordable. In short, they get the work done. I am in love with these brushes and they are probably some of the best I've tried.
The Shades Of U Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
I just bought my first SK brushes recently and I love them!
Sounds wonderful!
Too bad we don't have SK in Sweden.
Can you tell me what brand the two brushes are btwn the MAC 224 and 222
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