Update on The Shades Of U MAC Marine Life, Bronze Body Oil and Accentuate/Sculpt Powder Giveaway: Marine Life and Bronze Body Oil have already been shipped to the winners last Saturday, but the winner for Accentuate/Sculpt powder has not responded to our notification e-mail. Therefore, that entry has been disqualified and a new winner has been chosen. Check out the name of the winner after the jump!
And the winner of the MAC Accentuate/Sculpt powder is....(*drumroll*)
Jen (jan08)
Congratulations!! Please check your e-mail inbox (and your spam box too just in case) for a notification e-mail from Contest Machine and The Shades Of U. Please reply using the link in the e-mail sent to you and enter your mailing address so the prize can be shipped expeditiously. Please reply to the e-mail by clicking the link therein and sending your information within seventy-two hours, or your entry will be disqualified as stated in the Contest Mechanics. Please note that if the mailing address for the winner is promptly received, the prize will be sent out this Saturday, July 3, 2010.
I will be coming up with two more giveaways soon, so stay tuned!
Lucky. I can't wait to win one of your contests! I know I always say this, but I really like your blog. :) Keep it up! :)
I can`t understand why people enter in a giveaway and after that don`t reply... I woul love to win the product.
Congrats to the winner!
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