L-R: Gilty Pleasure, Commander in Chic, Plum's the Word
I hauled from Walgreens again, this time with two (one backup) of the coveted, amazing flakie top coat from Sally, Hidden Treasure.
I also got two other colors, Fairy Teal and Silver Lining that look great as well. These were buy 2 get one at half off and that is a pretty good deal for me considering that these are almost 8 bucks a pop.
I included some limited edition Maybellines that are lovely colors. These are my first Maybelline polishes ever. Will post swatches and review next time.
So Hidden Treasure is exactly what its name says it is. Many are looking for this treasure because it is basically flakie heaven in a bottle. Here is what it looks like over Fairy Teal:
Cool, huh? I'd like to experiment with this and see how many more flakie looks I can come up with. Anyways, Fairy Teal is gorgeous as well. I don't have Color Club polish in Revvvolution but I would guess it is quite similar to Fairy Teal. It is also a slightly lighter version of MAC Blue India. I love these kinds of green blues as they are very wearable and yet edgy.
Anyways, hope you're all having a great Friday! Have a great weekend!
Wow, that is interesting! I didn't even know they had that!
The flaky top coat looks amazing. Does it last well though?
I haven't been able to find the hidden treasure nail polish in my town, Tampa :(
Hi what store did you find the new colors?
I searched all of Salt Lake today and can't find Hidden Treasure anywhere!!! I may go crazy if I don't find it soon!
You're killing me with the AMAZING Hidden Treasure pics! I still can't find it out here in San Diego. I get off of work here in about 30 minutes, though, and I'll be back on the road to search!
Wish me luck!!!
Anonymous- Sorry for the late reply- Walgreens in Metro Phoenix, AZ =)
Jennifer and Katy- good luck! I hope you find it soon!
Sylvie- the lasting power depends on the base coat and top coat you're using =)
Hi all. just wanted to share where i found hidden treasure a couple of days ago. WALMART...and not in the nail polish section, but in the end of the shampoo isle. ...a lot of walmarts have been remodeled, so check around the beauty/hygiene sections and the end and sides of the isles. hope this helps some of you.
i've checked both all of the buffalo, NY area and Orlando, FL the following week. ulta, target, walgreens, cvs,rite-aid, NOWHERE! :(
I just found 2 bottles of Hidden Treasure at my Walgreens. Had to look for awhile, but they are still around! I'm in TX btw.
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