Merlot Radiance Grapeseed Night Cream Review

A while back, I'd posted a review on the Merlot Grapeseed Moisturizer. This time, though, I was given an opportunity to try the night cream version of the moisturizer. It is also based on the natural grape seed antioxidant technology that Merlot is famous for. The company also claims that the night cream has peptides to fight free radicals, boost skin tone, and increase skin thickness.

(See the rest of the review after the jump)

The night cream is slightly thicker than the moisturizer and is white in color as opposed to the light lilac color of the day cream. I use the night cream after I wash and tone the skin, and after I apply my prescription retinoid. It is gentle but moisturizing, and it didn't break me out. I like that it is non-greasy, light and doesn't have a strong, cloying scent. I also apply it on the neck area before I retire.

When I wake up in the morning, the skin feels supple and smooth without feeling greasy. As I said, it didn't break me out, which means that it didn't clash with my retinoid regimen. I wake up to nicely refreshed, glowing skin without being too oily.

The only downside I can think about this product is that if you are used to very emollient night creams, this might not be for you as this feels really light on the skin. I guess this would make a great summer night cream, and would be great for those with normal to combination or oily skin. For most people, I would think this would work well.

All in all, this is a good product, and the grapeseed ingredient is a very welcome one in my book. I love antioxidants and grapeseed is known to be one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet, so this is right up my alley. Another great thing about it is the price: $20.00 for a 4 fl. oz. tub, which is not bad at all.

The Shades Of U rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars.

Merlot Radiance Grapeseed Night Cream is available at all Walgreens and other mass retail stores nationwide.

Note: This review is based on a media sample provided by a representative of the company. For more information on the matter, please refer to the Disclosure page.


Pamela Stewart said...

Very Nice Post I am definitely try this..

Anonymous said...

I have tryed this for about a month now.... my skin is very soft......but no change in my wrinkles..and when i wake up my eyes are very saggy and they hurt...i had to stop using the eye eyes are better now..