Drugstore Body Lotions NOT to Try

Drugstore Body Lotions NOT to Try

TotalBeauty.com readers say these moisturizers are a no-go

Lotions today claim to do so much more than merely moisturize. Some claim to beat cellulite, stop hair growth and slow down aging, but do they deliver? Well, some probably do, but not the ones on this list. TotalBeauty.com readers say these ones didn't live up to their claims, plus, some of them had issues with greasiness and scent (ew!). Read on to see which cheapie lotions you shouldn't buy.

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No. 9: Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion With Sunscreen, $8.99

TotalBeauty.com average reader rating: 7

"It's strange because their [Aveeno's] actual sunscreens smell less like a sunscreen than this …"

No. 8: Burt's Bees Radiance Body Lotion with Royal Jelly, $8.99

TotalBeauty.com average reader rating: 7

"The scent is too strong" and "sort of smells like wet gauze …"

No. 7: Jergens Age Defying Multi-Vitamin Moisturizer, $7.49

TotalBeauty.com average reader rating: 6.8

"This one doesn't do anything more for anti-aging than any of their other products …"

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