First of all, I would like to say a sincere "thank you" to everyone who participated and took time to write why they wanted a particular package. We received 449 entries, and since only one entry per e-mail and IP address was allowed, I knew that there were a lot of you who really hoped to win. I was so touched with some of the answers. Some say that they were laid off from their jobs and couldn't afford to buy makeup, some are nursing a broken heart and they were hoping to win to boost their spirits. Some however didn't think of themselves but thought of giving the package to a loved one - a mom, a friend, a sister. I really, really enjoyed reading the entries, I liked it so much that I am thinking of doing another contest soon! I reserve that for some other time, however, because the spotlight is now reserved for the two winners of each of the packages.
The winners were randomly chosen by The Contest Machine. When I read the results, the winner of package 1 wanted package 2, and the winner of package 2 wanted package 1! I didn't want to disappoint them when they receive their packages, so I just switched their prizes.
Here are the winners!!!
Read names of winners under the cut.
The winner of Package 1 is none other than (*drumroll*)
Christi_jacoba (last part of e-mail address omitted to protect privacy)
Winner of Package 2 is none other than:
jessicadv14 (last part of e-mail address omitted to protect privacy)
Congratulations!! Please check out your e-mail inboxes (and your spam boxes too just in case) for a notification e-mail from Contest Machine and The Shades Of U. Please reply using the link in the e-mail and enter your mailing address so the prizes can be sent to you expeditiously.
Again, thank you to everyone who joined, and watch out for more giveaways from The Shades Of U!
Congrats to the winners :).
congratulations to the winners!
Hey, i'm so happy i won!! thankyou very very much! The only thing is, i live in the Netherlands, is that a problem??
xx christi
Congratulations.. =)
I wish I can be one of the winners! lol
Congrats ladies...enjoy your goodies :o)
Congrats ladies!
christi-congratulations! And unless your mailing address has an error, I can see no problem and your prize will be shipped to you today!
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