I wore Joppa soft coverage mineral foundation in Light-medium #3 mixed with Joppa full coverage foundation in Light #3 (50-50 mix), Joppa Simple Radiance finishing silk in Medium, Aromaleigh eye lustre in Cosette foiled on lid, Aromaleigh eye lustre in Persephone foiled on outer V and crease, MAC shadow in Ricepaper to highlight, Almay liquid eyeliner, MAC Graphblack technakohl to line. On the cheeks I used Aromaleigh Pure Rouge blush in Pashmina topped with Dayna's Glow #2. On the lips I used MAC Whirl lipliner, MAC Lightly Ripe lipstick, MAC Major Minor lipglass.
I used MAC Blonde's Gold pigment foiled on the lid, MAC Bronze eyeshadow on outer V, MAC Dark Edge shadow on crease, MAC Femme Fi shadow to highlight. I used Meow Feliner in Sex Kitty wetlined on upper lashline, Graphblack technakohl on waterline and to tightline, Dayna's Minerals Coral Breeze blush with Dayna's Glow #1 on top of blush. On lips I used MAC Whirl lipliner with MAC Red Romp lipglass.
I just received some free samples of Pure Anada's new yellow/golden shades from Candace (Pure Anada's owner). She is so generous to send me full sizes to try. Thanks so much Candace! Most of the asian mineral makeup enthusiasts that I have encountered find it hard to nail their shade in Pure Anada, prompting Candace to custom-make shades that suit our skintone. She told me in her letter enclosed with the products that she lives in a small community that doesn't have a large representation of ethnic groups, so she is excited about this opportunity to whip up shades to cater to the asian skintone. I will let you guys know if one of these is my perfect match. I can't wait to roadtest this!
NOTE to Pure Anada users (I know you're all out there!): If Golden Harvest would be classified as "Light Gold", Candace says these new shades are "Medium Gold" and "Deep Gold".
I went to Target today and picked up another bent eyeliner and crease brushes from Sonia Kashuk, and I got the very last blending sponge (also by SK) on the shelf! I've heard about the amazing Beauty Blender sponge, but Sonia Kashuk has a dupe for half the price of the Beauty Blender, and I've heard raves about this latter sponge as well. I can't wait to try this out.
i love the bold red lips on you..i'm jealous!..i can't pull off red lips, i tried, but i failed..hehe..but looks pretty on you, hot momma!
I love your looks! did you went out right after the red lippie look? YOU SHOULD! YOu look hot! :)
OH noo..can I just share that I am loving the EDM I tried? but it's just a tiny shade lighter than my original shade..and here I go looking through MMU sites! UH OH!!!
oooh maybe i should try pure anada's! i'm really disappointed in BE because they really don't have any foundation with yellow undertones! i've been into silk naturals lately but i haven't branched out yet. i saw that sonia kashuk sponge but i just got the beauty blender and i think i'll try that before ibuy another one lol
oh my..i love the red lippie on you ate! i dunno but is the shade of foundation dark on you or you just had a tan? ders something different with the last fotd but i tell yah, its a "great" change. you look hotter ++ and blooming! fave fotd as of the moment!
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