I've found my fall-winter shade in DreamWorld using a mix of Theia and Tethys. It's been working great until I realized that I would be getting a wee bit darker soon and would therefore need a summer formula/shade to use.
Theia-Tethys mix
In THIS entry, I mentioned how Ellie was kind enough to send darker yellow-toned foundation samples for me to try and see which one would match my spring/summer skintone. I tried a 50-50 mix of Amenti and Theia which was still a wee bit dark, so I added Ashnan into the mix. Ashan has lighter yellow undertones and it made the look a little lighter but still a tad dark. However, I plan to save it for the onslaught of the summer heat here when I'd be considerably darker than I am right now.
I'm wearing Amenti, Theia and Ashnan. I forget the exact ratios but I believe Amenti and Theia are almost the same amount and just a tiny pinch of Ashnan. Still a bit dark for now but I believe would be perfect when summer truly hits. I'm also wearing MAC Scant Slimshine lipstick topped with Sugar Trance lipglass from the Fafi collection, two of my favorite lip products.
I recently received some bigger batches of foundation from Franchesca of Adorned With Grace Minerals for me to see if I have really nailed my color in this brand. She was also nice to include silk powder and a generous amount of my preferred mixture after I tried out her foundation (60-40 mix of Y2 and Y3). She labeled it Y2.6 and I was eager to try it out. It turned out really dark and perhaps I switched the ratios because I'm used to referring to the lower number as a lighter shade compared to the higher number. In this instance, to my mind I thought Y2 was the lighter shade compared to Y3, when in fact it's the opposite; Y3 is the lighter shade compared to Y2. So it should have been a 40-60 mix of Y2 and Y3, not a 60-40 mix. I hope that made sense! It bothered me for a few days because I knew I did the right ratio and yet the mix Franchesca gave me was darker that what I thought it would be, but it was the shade numbers that got me confused. So, I am supposed to be 3.6 (is that right, Franchesca?), not 2.6!
I'm wearing the 2.6 and it's really dark compared to my 60-40 mix of Y3 and Y2 in THIS entry. I got confused with the darkest to lightest designation instead of the lightest to darkest progression that I've been accustomed to.
A little bummed about my mistake, but at least I know my exact ratio now. I am glad to have figured out where I'd gone wrong. Glad I have some more of my Y3 to lighten this one out.
sis ano ratio mo sa Theia-Tethys mix mo? yun diba gamit mo sa first picture mo? thanks
You look positively gorgeous with the Dreamworld mixes!
Halo there dear,
droppin' by to say hi :)
it's been a while since my last visit here :))
Do drop by to my page ya :))
how do you like the adorned with grace foundation? i didn't get a chance to try it out, but i do have all the AWG eyeshadows and blushes. how would you compare them to some of the other brands?
anonymous-Right now I'm using 75-25 Theia-Tethys because I'm getting a tad darker.
isabelle-thank you! DW is really one of the best MMU I've tried.
hayden-thanks for dropping by!
tracy-I actually like it because of the very smooth finish; it's not splotchy at all. I also like the blushes and e/s - the shadows have pretty colors and easy to foil and blend considering that they're loose minerals. Hope you're liking your AWG stash. I guess it's pretty similar in finish to Meow which is one of the better MMU brands I've tried.
Hi I was just wondering, out of all the MMU brands that you have tried, which one has the most coverage without looking powdery and cakey? Like, heavy enough to cover acne. Thanks! You look awesome!
that dreamworld mix looks FLAWLESS on you. :) you've got matching/mixing to find matches down packed! :)
anonymous- I believe Joppa, Buff'd and DreamWorld are my answers, although if you follow the "sweeping" instead of buffing technique, Monave and Cory can also look clean and not cakey with outstanding coverage.
Christiana- thanks sis. I know you love DW too! :) Thanks also for introducing Buff'd to me; it's amazing as well.
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