In Loving Memory: Mint Manis For Talia Joy


I am joining the Mint Manis for Talia Joy today because I've been a long-time subscriber of Talia on YouTube, and I've seen her beautiful, arduous and memorable journey as the child who loved makeup (and nail polish), and didn't let a monster disease snuff out her spirit, her spunk and zest for life.  Her last instagram photo was a mint manicure she was sporting with her mom and friend Tammy.  The beauty/nail blogging world wants to pay tribute to this amazing girl who is the perfect embodiment of the triumph (yes, she did not "lose" the battle) of the human spirit.

I wanted to create a mint mani featuring this amazing rainbow glitter from Dare to Wear called Brazilian Muse.  It has beautiful light reflecting rainbow glitter, and this kind of glitter is what I'm imagining Talia's wings are made of:

 I changed the background to mint, to give tribute to Talia:

Fly high Talia, wear your glitter wings and soar.  RIP beautiful angel...

Check out the other Mint Manis for Talia contributions from other beauty and nail bloggers below.

1 comment

Garden Chef said...

Hi, just pinned this and blogged about your Mint Mani for Talia Joy link up tribute at

I love all the nail arts in the link up!